Friday, July 15, 2011


Eyes wide open, heart on the floor, tripping over myself and choking on my own breath. A few rays of your sunshine, a few moments worth of your touch is all it takes to erase everything for a time. Warmth and reminders and giggles and calm and you have me believing, I can do this and I will. I can make a life out of these broken pieces. I will grow like weeds through the cracks in the concrete and I'll spread and eventually overtake everything else and the hard, rough surfaces will slowly disappear until the lush green freshness of a new life is all that remains.

It takes work, more than I could have ever imagined possible for one person, just to stay alive. Harder work than I thought I would ever see, being as spoiled as I've been. How naive to think I could deserve the happy ending, the fairytale life I pictured, without the turmoil or the villains or the moments of triumph.

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