Monday, March 07, 2011

I know what I need to do, there are certain conclusions that can be drawn whenever I'm ready to draw them. Others are lost in the frey, they may never come to fruition, they may never realize their own potential and this unrest could last for the rest of time. But I am learning myself and my limits and how far I can be pushed and pulled, how elastic I can be, how much I can let this hurt. But there are some filling the spaces, volunteering themselves to me and we smile and we laugh and it helps me remember I can stop this at any time. I can reach the finish line at your pace or mine. I can make a pro-con list and place things in a proverbial scale and assume the weight of what would be lost, what could be gained. I'm learning your tricks and what skills are required to partition this head and this heart. I want to keep certain things isolated, segregated and locked in pens and not allow the colors to bleed together, as easy as it would be to blame one on the other I know it would blur my vision and I'd lose the path I've chosen. And that's just it, I know what I need to do, which way to walk, it's a matter of not getting distracted along the way; it's a matter of how fast or how slow. Something will come from this, something new or something renewed, but I know nothing will ever be what it was and that is a good thing. It's tricky being durable and flexible; bending but resolute.

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